Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year!

We are happy you’ve chosen Pivot Charter School and we are looking forward to a fabulous year with you. Please use the links below to access your online courses. Your Educational Coordinator will provide your username(s) and password(s) on the first day of school. Please note that you may not need to use all of the links, depending on what classes you are taking this year.

If you need help or have questions, please contact your Educational Coordinator for assistance.

Family and Student Handbook

Read about Pivot Charter School’s policies and other helpful information on how to be successful at Pivot.

Manual para estudiantes y familias 2024-2025

Student and Families Handbook PDF

Counseling Resources

Visit the Pivot Counseling Office to schedule time with a counselor and access counseling resources.

Community Resources

View a variety of community resources including mental health resources, emergency services, family services, meal services and more.

Comprehensive Resource Guide

Register to Vote

Use this link to register to vote with the State of California.

Clever Portal

Login to your classes through Clever.

Students/Families Tech Help (Frequently Asked Questions)

Community Service Ideas

Check out these sheets for ideas of where to earn community service hours.

Pivot North Valley Opportunities

Online Opportunities

Student Course Schedules

Click here to access the Student Portal where you can enroll if you are 18 years or older, see report cards, print unofficial transcripts, and access CAASPP results.