Did You Know? LCAP Goals and Services – Part 1
Pivot Charter School has a Local Control and Accountability Plan (or LCAP) that describes our [...]
Pivot Charter School has a Local Control and Accountability Plan (or LCAP) that describes our [...]
Since becoming a student at Pivot Charter School in fall 2019, Alex Esqueda has gone [...]
According to Pivot North Bay Educational Coordinator Abigail Titus, her favorite part about her work [...]
The average number of credits earned per student at Pivot North Valley increased nearly 80 [...]
Career Technical Education -- or CTE -- involves preparing students for life after high school [...]
On Wednesday, October 16, the Chico Unified School District (CUSD) voted unanimously to approve a [...]
Jennifer Cuthbertson moved to California from Nevada when she was in 11th grade. Her mom, [...]
Lindsey Vining is the Director of Systems and Accountability for Pivot Charter Schools. Born and [...]
When Pivot Charter School North Valley was planting its roots in Chico, CA, Rachel Gonzalez [...]
Three years ago, Jacob Hoeppner wasn’t sure he’d receive his high school diploma. This June, [...]